The Lizard Cure

Or “A Hidden Savior Finds the Lyme Light”

Short Story, published in Anthropocene Magazine

It’s 2070, and Super Lyme Disease is spreading across North America. When a mother loses her child to the disease, she goes on a crusade to fight it—with help from a cold-blooded hero.

The Last Almond*

Short Story, 2nd Place Winner of Grist’s 2024 competition “Imagine 2200: Climate Fiction for Future Ancestors”

As California prepares to destroy a levee and sacrifice its last remaining almond farm, its caretaker remembers the toll floodwaters have taken on his family.

The Teacher and the Boxer*

Short story published in Identity Theory Magazine

A woman deals with the death of a college friend using two tried and tested coping mechanisms: sex and Renaissance music.

*Recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize

Angel in the Architecture

Short story published in McSweeny’s Quarterly Concern: Issue 53

When an angel falls through the roof of the Pantheon in Rome, a group of tourists must decide what is real and what is god.

Poets Reading the News

Protest Poetry